Monday, December 1, 2008

This Months Book and Bio

Hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Well, now that we are all stuffed with turkey, ham, and all the fixings it's time for a good book.

This months book, The Christmas Sweater, was chosen by me (Julie). I picked this book because I am a huge Glenn Beck fan, but the story and the message were very fitting for this time of year and very relatable.

Here is a little about me:

I was born and raised right here in Grand Junction, Colorado. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. After high school I attended Rick's College (BYU-I) and Mesa State. While attending Mesa and working, Becca and I were roommates. It was awesome, we had a great time.

I served a full time mission in the Illagan Philippines Mission and learned to speak tagalog. After my mission I attend BYU for a semester before my husband proposed and brought me home again to Mesa State.

We were married in the Mt. Timpanogus temple on March 19th 1999. A year and a day later we had our first son with three more sons to follow. We are currently expecting our fifth child in May (probable another boy but hoping for a girl).

My favorite color is green. I enjoy sewing, hiking, reading, blogging, talking politics, going to watch the boys wrestle and being a mom.

Note: Please also RSVP for the meeting on the 13th so I have a count. Hope to see you there! Happy Holiday


  1. I will be there. What time and what can I bring?

  2. OOPS! This is Becca. Ricci is logged on at my house and I didn't realize. I'm not sure if Ricci is going or not, she may have to work. We'll let you know soon enough.

  3. I will be there, I have a friend from work that wants to join our book club, I will ask her on Wed if she would like to come and let you know. This is Cathy

  4. Julie, you picked a really great book for December. I loved this story, and the message behind it. I also really liked how the dream related to the Atonement. I think I will read this one every Christmas, and hopefully get Erik and the kids involved next year. Good pick. Have fun at your get together, wish I could be there.

  5. Julie, Where do you live and how do you get to your house.

  6. I finally finished The Other Boleyn girl last week and I have to say that I really liked the story. I know a lot of you guys thought it was smutty, and I have to agree that many of the racy parts were less tasteful than what other authors have been able to produce (such as Stephenie Meyer in the Twilight series). However, at least for me, I don't think those parts eclipsed the story.
    The two things I most enjoyed about this book were the blossoming true love between Mary and William Stafford and the fall of Queen Katherine. The latter was very depressing to me and sad, but I thought the author did a great job of depicting Anne's evil character. And I was glad that Mary in the end was able to marry for true love.
