Friday, December 26, 2008

December Meeting

Thanks to those who were able to attend we had a good meeting. The general consensus on The Christmas Sweater was that it was an inspirational book and a good pick for the season. We also played the game Would You Rather?. It was a fun game and would be a good game for a mixed group as we all tended to think a like. Those who are out of towners feel free to share your thoughts, if you haven't already, via comments.
Pictured: Cathy, Becca, Julie

Pictured: Julie and Julia

We all understand the chaos of this time of year and we are sorry if we missed you this month.

Next Months Meeting will be on January 24th in order to give everyone decent recovery time from the holiday. It will be at Becca's house, time TBA. Hope to see you there.

Also back is the Twilight movie soundtrack extended by the Author's soundtrack enjoy! Any suggestions for other songs or changes can be sent to the blog master's e-mail.


  1. Looks like you guys had a good time. I love the soundtrack!

  2. The book was good, & I must say if you're not being as good as you know how to be it's a wake up call, wish I could have been at the meeting and I hope to be at the next one.
