Saturday, August 15, 2009

Aubrey Shawcroft's Bio

Hi! I'm Aubrey Shawcroft. I've been married for 5 years to Aaron Osborne, who is also my best friend and love of my life. Together we made Evelyn Joy, who is now 11 weeks old. That time just flew by! I could have a degree in English Literature from Mesa State but next week, I am starting school again to obtain my teaching certificate in English with an emphasis in Secondary Education. Better to graduate with something useful. After I finish that, I plan to hit Graduate school to specialize in Library Science. Ultimately, I want to be a librarian in a school. I love kids, and teenagers, but I don't want to have to deal with parents and time consuming lesson planning.
When I have free time, you can find me with my nose buried in a book. Usually a romance, because brain candy is a good thing especially when I read really heavy stuff for school all the time. Also, romances are fast! I can usually finish one in a few hours. Romances always have happy endings too. I also love Fantasy novels when I want to read something with more substance. When I am not reading, I enjoy playing video games, playing with Evelyn, attempting to sing on Rock Band with Aaron, cooking and baking, and just spending time with my family here in town.
I chose to make you all read Stardust by Niel Gaiman because for one, I love everything he has written and have never read that one, I've had it on my bookshelf for about a year but I keep reading other things instead. If y'all have time, read American Gods, its flipping fantastic. I loved the movie, and I tend to watch it at least once a month. I just haven't read it. I enjoyed it immensely and it is totally going to be re-read many, many times. Also, I chose it because I expected it to be funny, and not depressing like the books that were recently chosen- you know who you are! I felt that the bookclub needed a pick-me-up after those!

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